The more open our world becomes, the more free people become in their decisions as to where they better live and work. Moreover, people of active age consider for themselves both life and work in their homeland, and moving to countries where they can earn more or more fully realize themselves. Borders are erased.
Also, the demographic trend towards a reduction in the number of people of productive age is becoming more pronounced in the countries with developed economies in Europe and creates an additional incentive to migrate, along with an increase in wages.
Thus, an organization that recruits staff should be aware that it is competing not only with a similar company “across the road.” She competes in the minds of applicants with the opportunity to go to freelancing, move to another country and even with the opportunity not to work at all. A company working on an employer brand must take care to find the answers to these questions in the mind of a potential applicant.
From the book by Alexei Onischuk “Corporate Recruiting: the path to the stars”