When you need to think about coaching services
There are difficulties with the new position or new skill
A new position or an atypical task may require competencies for which you were not ready, and the risk of failure increases.
Can not get rid of the wrong habits
There are recurring difficulties in your work that you cannot handle yourself. Need something to do with it.
Lost motivation and purpose
You feel that the current order of things does not motivate you, you have no energy, you are at the dead end.
An important work process is procrastinated.
There is no way you can get down to the most important project, and the time is running out.

What is business coaching and why is it needed?
Coaching is one of the most effective methods of personal growth, which has been actively developing in the world over the past 40 years. This is perhaps the only method of personal growth, tailored to business needs. It is impossible to achieve changes without changing yourself. With the help of coaching, you start such a process of changes in yourself or your team, which will allow you to achieve a breakthrough and achieve great results in life and professional activities. Find a business coach who will enhance your strengths!
What you can get with coaching
Does Leo Messi or Maria Sharapova need a coach? Perhaps there is nobody in the world who can teach them something new in their field. But there are people who provide a process, in which Leo Messi or Maria Sharapova are able to reach the maximum of their abilities.
If such a coach were in your life, what would you be capable of?
Only 10% of people have absolutely clear goals for the future. And it is these people who are on the lists of the richest and most successful personalities. Despite the apparent evidence, the question is not so simple. In addition to putting the goals on paper, you need to ignite them, believe in them, and ensure proper self-discipline in order to achieve them.
Coaching has unique techniques of “designing” the necessary reality. Together with a coach, you literally build the necessary image of the future, detailing it as much as possible, building around it the necessary resources, skills, attitudes, as well as creating a step-by-step path to putting the goal into practice.
Take any situation that occurs in your life. If you carefully study it, you will inevitably see how you influenced its occurrence. Everything that happens in your life does not happen to you, but because of you, with your participation. Coaching is focused on those changes in you that will lead to the necessary changes in the surrounding world.
In coaching, we extract from business and life situations what depends on you, and on what you can influence, and concentrate on the necessary changes. This gives you tremendous power to take control of external circumstances, to find a point of application of your efforts, which leads to an improvement in your results.
Have you noticed that at the managerial level, familiar career approaches do not work? The higher position you get, the more leadership qualities you have to demonstrate.
With the help of coaching, you will be able to decide on the vector of further career development, develop the necessary leadership skills, demonstrate better results.
Since coaching is focused on personality changes, you acquire new skills that start to positively affect current working results, influence team relationships, your status, level of influence and trust in a positive way.
With the help of coaching, you can focus your development on the missing elements, build key goals and relationships, giving you the opportunity to achieve the maximum of your abilities.
During developing the best qualities and getting rid of the limitations in yourself, you inevitably become a more harmonious personality. This affects your professional relationships, and it will also inevitably go beyond business, creating a deeper, more interesting, multifaceted life.
Working in a coaching format, you will understand yourself better, you will develop the skills, abilities and business context that is closer and more interesting to you. This will give you a boost of energy, positively affect your involvement, will allow you to avoid burnout and apathy.
As you develop and become aware of yourself, you will be able to be better in differentiation of what you really need, what you want in your life, and what is imposed on you by employer requirements, social conventions, or destructive relationships.
If you understand yourself well, you will be able to orient yourself to your own coordinate system, understand what is good and what is bad for you. You will be able to identify, track and defend what really concern your area of interest. You will be more resistant to manipulation, more energetic, more holistic, successful, and, as a result, more happy.
Coaches with international certification will work with you.
Alexei Onischuk
Alexei has 15 years of practical experience in executive development and careers. Alexei runs own company and has the 10 years of managerial experience. Business coach with international ICF certification. Specialization – executive level career building, development of managerial skills, executive recruitment.
Have you ever thought about the need to still have a lot in this life, and this is not so much time. Have you ever got that feeling that either you do something now or you will never do it? How ready are you to discard fears, doubts, conventions, prejudices, and boldly face your limitations? For if you do not change, everything will remain as it is.
The coach will help you to achieve the goals that you really want, to throw out from your life everything, that takes your precious time, to achieve your goals in a shorter time, to use the time with the maximum result.
If you no longer want to indulge yourself with illusions, and you realize that it is at stake, you must be ready to use all possible means and do all your best!
Your time is your life. Act now!
Arrange a free trial coaching session.

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